I don’t know who is aware of the rap group NYOIL. Well this group has just released a new video called, “Y’All Should All Get Lynched” which directly targets mainstream rappers and video girls. It is clearly over the top for shock value and gets discussions started. The artists of this group raise a good point about how black rappers and video girls do not represent the black community in a positive way but instead glorifies stereotypes and the “Uncle Tom/Sambo” model.
The video was only on youtube.com for one day before it was yanked from the site. It can now be viewed on another site which is:
Supposedly the image of lynching and women shaking their buttocks is too much for you tube to handle and Google has to show its force right away. Meanwhile many other graphic videos remain on you tube’s site including watching people being seriously injured or being beat up in gang fights. What I find particularly funny is that you tube says that this video is inappropriate for viewers yet keys word can be typed in to their search and the same images that are found in the video can be viewed on other video streams. For example, Buffy the Body is a well-known video girl. By typing her name in the search many videos of her shaking her bottom come up. The most shocking video is of Buffy in a strip club and the camera filming these strippers (who are all black females) shaking their behinds. Now I thought you had to be at least 18 in most states to go inside a strip club but with the help of you tube minors no longer have to wait. They can just “you tube” it! You tube has a restricted area that won’t allow you to view some videos deemed inappropriate (Buffy’s Strip Club video isn’t one of them) but don’t become dismayed all you have to do is sign-up and create your own account! This process takes all of less than two minutes and the best part is they do not ask for any proof of age or even a valid email address since I made one up to sign-up.
So my question is: Why was this video taken off of you tube?! Was it because it was unsuitable for the majority to see or is there a deeper meaning behind this? I will say I believe it is the latter part. This video is riddled with political and social embarrassments that our government, media, entertainment, and even our black community do not want to acknowledge. Once something goes “against the grain” as this video does those with power will find any excuse to shut them down. So please watch the video make your own assumptions about it and pass it along to your friends. And if you’re zealous enough you can post a comment on their wall giving your own “two cents” about what you think of the video. I took some time and wrote two posts. There are a lot up there now so I will put mine here so you can get my opinion of the videos.

This is a powerful statement that needed to be made. Anyone who thinks this is too harsh for people to see WAKE UP!! Look at our society anything we want is at the touch of a button on the internet. Kids can see porn and all that by going to the sites. TV is no better…nigga is used on network and cable TV and not censored. Shows like Fear Factor where people eat disgusting things and shows like Flavor of Love where a woman defecates on camera and proud of it is ridiculous.
Why are we so afraid to see lynching photos?? Are we ashamed as black people or scared of what white people will think if we discuss these atrocities?
We need to stand up against these sambo’s who bring us down culturally, politically, and socially. As long as the group who made this video is true in what they say then I’m behind them. Hopefully they will be picked up and a real message can be spread but will probably stifled out by corporate executives who are mostly rich powerful white males who don’t give a f*** about black people and the state of black people as long as we keep ourselves down…
Peace and Love
Comment by Griot 10.16.06 @
I’m reading peoples comments and I can’t help to see that though some people agree with the message of the video they don’t want to put down the “black folk” being targeted in the video.
I ask you “WHY NOT?!”
Let’s first realize that though Race and Racism is a founding factor in Amerikkka it will always take the backburner to economic gain and CLASSISM! The people targeted in this video are money hungry Capitalists that will give anything for the almighty dollar! They do not see themselves as “black” or the man giving them the check as “white” all they see is “GREEN”!! They do not care about the majority of Blacks and other oppressed groups because if they did they would not make the music they do. They aren’t complete idiots because some how they made it to the position they are in and at least see the oppression but do nothing to stop it. They do not care so I have no pity on them.
They would stab you as a BLACK PERSON in the back just as fast as any KKK member for the money!! AND THAT IS REAL!!
The class is the real issue and they no longer belong to the proletariat if they ever did and if anyone has any idea of Marxism they will understand this…
Comment by Griot 10.17.06 @