I hope my title hasn’t offended anyone so far but please hear my case. I am writing this article in response to seeing the newly released film, Jack Ass Number Two (released September 22nd, 2006) directed by Jeff Tremaine. After loosing a bet to a friend I was forced to view this film on its opening night. I was amazed at how many people were at the theater. In fact, the theater was SOLD OUT! The audience ranged from about 13-50 yrs of age and consisted of many different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
*I’m about to give away parts of the film so if you plan to see it scroll pass.
The movie is a longer version of the highly liked T.V. show Jack Ass which is basically about rich white guys with nothing better to do but hurt themselves and perform stupid stunts for a cheap laugh. The film is no different for the exception of the lack of censorship. By making the movie the boys of Jack Ass gain some freedom in what they can show. Starring Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn and a cast of other pranksters the boys play jokes on each other and film it. The only problem with the film I have with it is it’s over the top bestiality and homoerotic scenes: Ranging from Chris Pontius drinking a cup horse semen and Preston Lacy jumping on “Wee-Man” naked, then stripping “Wee-Man” naked and simulating oral sex over him. The entire time I was thinking how could they do this? Then there are scenes that I see where Bam is being branded and other scenes where guys are being shot by a fire hoses. All I can think of is how anyone can find this funny, especially African-Americans. Black slaves were branded since they were considered chattel like cows and civil rights activists were hosed by Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor in Birmingham, AL in the 1960’s. Yet again I was wrong because there were black people laughing just as hard as white people in the theater.
I don’t want to make it sound that this film shouldn’t have been made. These men have the same first amendment rights as everyone else and should be entitled with what they feel is artistic expression. My problem and reason for writing this is why isn’t there equal representation for all films especially films that have actual substance. Let me explain: There are many independent films made that have to do with political and social problems that people are plagued with nationally and internationally, yet our FCC feels that they must censor truth more harshly rather than vulgar entertainment.
I can compare three films that have real substance but were stifled out. First is Fahrenheit 9/11 (released June 25th, 2004) directed by Michael Moore. The film is about what has become of America since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the government’s greed for oil. Though the film may have been seen as skewed to the left it received much criticism. The film was taken out of many theaters and only allowed to be viewed at certain times of the day. Even if 10% of the film is correct that is entirely too much of how corrupt our American government is. Why are we afraid to see the faults in our government but allow ourselves and our youth to view Jack Ass 2 at any time of the day?

Second is the film, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, narrated by Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim (released May 24th, 2006). The film is about the increasing global warming that is occurring. This is an international problem that will affect everyone ranging from the poorest of Haiti to the richest on Wall St. but again this film was limited in its time to be shown in theaters and only allowed to show in certain cinemas, again while Jack Ass 2 is being shown nation wide in almost all theaters.
Finally is the film Freedom to Fascism directed by Aaron Russo (released July 28th, 2006) which, in my opinion, is the most informative and troubling film to date. The film is a documentary not leaning to either political party or side that takes on the IRS, Federal Reserve and other organizations that are impeding on Americans rights. This film is only being shown in select theaters. You can not even find many reviews on this film or where it is being shown. The best way is to go to the website www.freedomtofascism.com.
All three of these films are informative to the masses of American people about something. Is this wrong? Isn’t this what America is about? Shouldn’t Americans have the equal right to see any of these films just as easily as they see Jack Ass 2? The simple answer is NO! Our government, media markets and capitalist money hungry mongers want to keep the American masses down and numb to the REAL issues that affect us on a daily basis. By giving us films and T.V. shows like Jack Ass we remain numb and exploited. We, Americans, also fail to realize how hypocritical these people in power are. The film Brokeback Mountain, which was a love story about two homosexual cowboys was banned from many southern states theaters because of the homosexual theme yet Jack Ass is filled with homosexual acts. For example, Bam Margera has a rubber dildo shoved in his butt! What is the difference? Actually there is: one was a fictional story plot line while the other was reality. If either of the films should be banned because of homosexual nature it should be Jack Ass.
In conclusion, I say we need to stand up as Americans for our right to have equal play of all films brought to us. If the film is worthy of being made and shown in one theater it should have the right to be played in every theater. Why should we be limited to meaningless dribble that doesn’t do anything except give us a quick laugh. We have the right to intellectual freedom also. That’s why America was founded. I encourage all to try and see the films I compared to Jack Ass. As I stated in the beginning of this article, “do not stop yourself from seeing Jack Ass but enhance yourself by seeing what else is out there and learning something new especially if it will affect your life”.
Some numbers for the films I talked about:
Fahrenheit 9/11- $119,078,393
Freedom to Fascism- $61,200
Brokeback Mountain- $83,025,853
Jack Ass Number Two- $52,070,722*
*Jack Ass Number Two has only been in the theaters for 2 weeks.
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